Next concerts April-May 2016, Bolivia, XI Festival Baroque, Julio Marios Santo Domingo and Compensar

By 27 March, 2016 March 27th, 2019 Novedades

pleased to invite you to the XI Festival of Baroque musique in Bolivia. This will be held from April 21st th to 26th. La Paz, Obrajes Chuch, 19:30. Santa Cruz: April 22nd, ‘Los Huérfanos’ Chapel, 19:00; Robore, April 23rd, Cristo Rey Church, 20:30; San José de Chiquitos, April 24th Museum 11am . A master class will be in Santa Cruz on the 25th at Simon Patino Center.

In May 7th,  I will be part of the Series  ‘Great Soloists’  Teatro Julio Mario Santo Domingo in Bogota. I will perform music by Coulanges, Turina, Tàrrega, Barrios, Dyens, Morel, and Albeniz. 8:00 pm Bogota, Colombia

On May 14th, I will be in Compensar Guitar Festival. 3:30 pm. Bogota, Colombia

Hope to see you there!

Irene Gómez Classical Guitarist
