- January 8 2009, KW Camber Music Society Canada
- December 13 2008, Teatro Amira de la Rosa Barranquilla Colombia
- November 2nd to 6th 2008, International guitar Festival Bogotá, Colombia
- October 25th 2008, Hispanic Heritage at NYPL USA
- October 23th 2008, II Iberoamerican guitar Festival Washington USA
- September 30th to October 15th 2008, Third Guitar Season from Banco de la República
- (Barranquilla, Medellín, Cali, Manizales, Bogotá, Tunja, Colombia.)
- May 26th 2008, International Guitar Festival Compensar, Bogotá
- May 15th 2008, Colombo-hispanic celebration Metropolitan University, Barranquilla
- March 28 2008, Celebrations of 18 years of Teachers Guild from National University, Bogotá.
- January 13 2008, KW Camber Music Society Canada