My new video at Strings By Mail on quarantine times..


During the last years I have had the great opportunity to introduce some of my videos through the great American company for musicians Strings By Mail. We released together videos with the music from Bach until Colombian tunes such as Cacao by J.C. Guio. Also to release videos with the music of Albéniz, Pedro Sarmiento and Scott Ouellette has been thrilling and rewarding. Additionally, I have presented some pedagogical videos and writings on history of the guitar and music in general among others.

Now that we are living the effects of the unexpected virus, not only financial aspects of life can be suffering, but also other aspects such as the emotional one. For this, nothing is better than art and music to enhance somehow the spirit with some hope. Hope remind us that we can overcome many things (better if we feel that superior mind or energy that support us in different circumstances in our lives), and more fortunate if we have access to art and culture. The human history has proven how the art has been an exit to overcome difficulties.

Thinking of this, I thought it would be a good idea to send a special message to SBM followers along with a home video as many artists are doing in these times.

Here is the result of this, a video made one afternoon at my place with a recently learned version of “Here, there and everywhere” (Beatles-Takemitsu arrangement).

I hope you enjoy the version of this song and I hope that we will get through the circumstances we are going through adding myself to the, I know, internal wish of everyone that at the end we will be stronger and better human beings.

  • LeeAnn and Steven says:

    What a treat. You’re music is just beautiful. It was great to see you again! Thanks so much for this video and greeting. Are you in NYC?

    • Irene Guitar says:

      Dear Lee Ann and Steven, It is always fantastic to hear from. I did recently see your message in my website and some others sent from friends like you. This is kind of a new website and did not know that I could receive messages. I hope you and Steven are well. Are you in NY? how it is there now…? Always miss you! take care and hope until soon

  • Irene Gómez Classical Guitarist
