Some other nice activities of first semester: write about Liszt for Strings By Mail blog and go to the zarzuela

To conmemorate musical anniversaries of this year I wrote some articles on West Montgomery, Bach and Liszt. This taught me wonderful things about them. It is possible to access these articles by visiting Strings By Mail blog.

At last, I had some spared time and went to the zarzuela season of Arte Lírico. We enjoyed The Merry widow and La Rosa del Azafrán under the conduction of Luis Fernando Pérez. Awesome experience!

Closing the semester with a House Concert!

On June 24th I was invited to play at the House Concert Series in Santa Bibiana in Bogotá. This concert allowed me to review classic pieces of the repertoire such as Recuerdos de la Alhambra, or Barrios Vals Op. 8 No. 4. I did also play pieces from my Cd “Songs of my Life” such as Yesterday and Fantasia Caribe No. 1 after La gota fria by Rafael Campo

VIves. It was an awesome afternoon with a warm and attentive audience.

Come to my record signing event/ Firma de discos de Songs of My Life/Canciones de mi vida y Conversatorio con José Daniel Ramírez Combariza en Tango Discos en Bogotá! May 6th 3 pm!

Dear friends! This coming Saturday I will be signing my recent Cd Songs of my life/Canciones de mi vida at Tango Discos. I will have the great company of my long time good friend Daniel Ramirez Combariza who is an active cultural manager and musical producer at HJUT 106.9 radio station. Please share with your friends who love music!

Queridos amigos! este sábado 6 de mayo a las 3 pm estaré firmando mi nuevo disco Canciones de mi Vida/Songs of my Life en Tango Discos de la Carrera 15 No. 88-63 Estaré acompañada de mi gran amigo de toda la vida Daniel Ramírez Combariza gestor cultural y colaborador de la emisora HJUT ! Comparte esta información con tus amigos!


Even though the Spanish composer Isaac Aléniz (1860-1909) has not actually written for guitar, his music has been strongly inspired by the rich sounds of this instrument. Indeed, the arpegios that appear in his work Granada from Suite Española Op. 47 remind the typical playing of the guitar. Thus, the guitar transcription is very idiomatic seeming very natural and original for the instrument.

Here, then an interpretation I made of Granada!
Granada was composed before 1900 and was first transcribed by Miguel Llobet. Here I played the transcription by Manuel Barrueco.

Images of Irene Gomez during her speech at “National University “

Hoy fue un día muy especial al hacer parte del evento de bienvenida a los estudiantes de primer semestre de la Universidad Nacional de Colombia. Un honor compartir con la rectora Dolly Montoya, Jaime Franky vicerrector y el maestro Orlando Rangel de la Facultad de Biología.

Irene Gómez Classical Guitarist
